
Sponsored Projects Administration

A A collaboration agreement is a formal agreement between 无忧传媒ealth and an outside entity to work on a shared research project where there is scientific benefit to both parties. The agreements are typically non-monetary; however, if the outside entity is an industry partner, additional proposal information may be required (such as approvals for cost share or COI forms).


If an 无忧传媒ealth PI is approached by an outside party to participate in a research project, the PI and department administrator should perform an assessment to determine if it is financially and operationally feasible to participate in the study.

If it has been determined that the PI/Department would like to participate, the PI or designee should have the outside entity submit their contract template to Sponsored Projects for review and negotiation.  

To expedite the research process, the study team should submit the protocol to the IRB at the same time SPA is negotiating the legal terms of the contract. Agreements with active IRB submissions are prioritized.  


If the 无忧传媒ealth PI would like to participate and collaborate in a research project, the PI or department administrator will need to submit a Collaboration request in UTSTART using the instructions below. SPA will negotiate the legal terms and conditions of the Collaboration Agreement with the other entity and notify the PI or department when the Collaboration Agreement is complete.

How to submit a Collaboration Agreement in UTSTART:

  1. Login to
  2. Navigate to the Agreements Module
  3. Select “Collaboration” agreement type (Click here to see)
  4. Fill out the intake form under the “Collaboration Intake Form” and press “Submit once complete. If you received an agreement draft from the other entity, you may upload that in the Intake Form or under the separate “Attachments” Tab (Click here to see)

                           **Please note that pressing submit is essential for SPA to receive the request**

If you have any additional questions about Collaboration Agreements or the submission process, please reach out to contracts@uth.tmc.edu