
Sponsored Projects Administration

A Data Use Agreement (DUA) is a contract that establishes terms and conditions governing the transfer of research-related individual patient-level data between 无忧传媒ealth and another institution or company. A DUA between a providing entity and a receiving entity should be fully executed before any data elements are sent or received. If you are uncertain whether a DUA is needed, you may reference the DUA Decision Tree.

DUA In (Receiving Data):DUA Out (Providing Data):

A DUA-In must be completed when a 无忧传媒ealth PI has requested data from another entity. Typically, the providing entity will provide its own DUA template for 无忧传媒ealth’s review and execution.

A DUA-Out must be completed when a 无忧传媒ealth PI desires to send data to a researcher at another entity. In these instances, a 无忧传媒ealth DUA template will be sent to the receiving entity for review and execution.

All DUAs should be forwarded to the preaward@uth.tmc.edu for review.


If a 无忧传媒ealth PI has requested data to be transferred to him/her from another entity or if another entity has requested data to be transferred from the 无忧传媒ealth PI, the PI/department will submit a DUA request in UTSTART using the instructions below. If human subject data is being sent or received, please be sure to include the IRB protocol number in the UTSTART submission. SPA will negotiate the legal terms and conditions of the DUA with the other entity and notify the PI/department when the DUA is complete.

How to submit a DUA request in UTSTART:

  1. Login to 
  2. Navigate to the Agreements Module
  3. Select the “Data Use/Business Assoc.” agreement type (Click here to see)
  4. Fill out the intake form under the “Transfer e-Form” tab and press “Submit” once complete. If you received an agreement draft from the other entity, you may upload that in the Transfer e-Form or under the separate “Attachments” tab (Click here to see)

            *Please note that pressing submit is essential for SPA to receive the request*

If you have any additional questions about DUAs or the submission process, please reach out to Preaward@uth.tmc.edu.


  1. Submit a DUA request in UTSTART using the instructions above.
  2. If the other entity is not listed in UTSTART, submit a Sponsor/Subcontractor Request Form to SystemsReporting@uth.tmc.edu.
  3. PI will need to provide SPA with an active IRB protocol if (i) 无忧传媒ealth PI is sending clinical data to another entity (including de-identified data), or (ii) 无忧传媒ealth PI is receiving clinical data with personal identifiers. Please note that zip codes and dates of service are also considered personal identifiers. If you are unsure if the data includes personal identifiers, you may consult the Human Data Classification Tool. Please note that the IRB protocol must be approved before the DUA can be signed.
  4. If there is not already an active IRB protocol as stated above, submit a new IRB protocol or update an existing IRB protocol through iRIS to cover the new transfer/receipt of data


  1. Draft and/or negotiate legal terms of the agreement with the other entity on behalf of the PI and 无忧传媒ealth.
  2. Route the final version agreement for internal signature by 无忧传媒ealth’s authorized official.
  3. Send the final draft of the DUA to the other entity for final execution
  4. Send the PI a copy of the fully executed agreement and retain a copy for institutional record.