
Sponsored Projects Administration

Salary Reimbursement Agreements are used to pay the salary and fringe benefits for a graduate student from another university who will be working with a 无忧传媒ealth faculty member in their lab, or when a 无忧传媒ealth student is working in a research lab at a different university. SRAs do not include indirect costs. Salary reimbursement agreements funded by a sponsored project must follow the period of the prime award, and cannot extend beyond the current award period of the prime award.


When 无忧传媒ealth is sending a salary reimbursement agreement to another institution, the department should forward requests for Salary Reimbursement Agreements to their Sponsored Projects Administration specialist for review and contract negotiation.

When 无忧传媒ealth is receiving a salary reimbursement agreement from another institution, the department should forward the agreement to their Sponsored Projects Administration specialist for review and contract negotiation.


Salary Reimbursement Agreements In:Salary Reimbursement Agreements Out: 
  1. The 无忧传媒ealth department should forward the agreement to PreAward@uth.tmc.edu for review and negotiation.
  2. The 无忧传媒ealth department will need to provide a Review & Approval Form, budget, and scope of work to the specialist in Sponsored Projects negotiating the agreement.
  1. The 无忧传媒ealth department shall provide the following information to the Sponsored Projects contracts specialist:  FMS account number to be used to fund the salary reimbursement agreement, name of the student, period of agreement, and the budget for the salary/fringe benefits amount to be paid for the project period.


  • Negotiate legal terms of the agreement with the other party on behalf of the PI and 无忧传媒ealth.
  • Route the final agreement for institutional signature.
  • SPA will ensure that the other party has a copy of the fully signed agreement.
  • SPA will provide the PI and his/her department a copy of the fully executed agreement.
  • SPA will send the fully signed agreement to PAF team so that they can update the financial system.