
无忧传媒ealth Alumni Community

Your connection to 无忧传媒ealth Houston extends beyond your education. Stay in touch with fellow graduates, mentor current students, and expand your professional network by joining 无忧传媒ealth Houston Alumni Community, the official networking platform for 无忧传媒ealth Houston alumni and students. Get started in less than two minutes by importing your LinkedIn or Facebook profile. Register  or download our app from the  or .

You can personalize your 无忧传媒ealth Houston Alumni Community profile to highlight your career interests and skills as well as the ways in which you are willing to help others through mentorship opportunities and networking. Your profile becomes part of our directory, which is searchable by degree, specialty, location, and keyword, making it simple to connect with others.  

In addition to expanding your network, you can stay up to date on events, search job openings, support initiatives that align with your passions, and mentor students following in your footsteps. As a graduate, you can also seek career guidance for yourself.

Mentoring made easy

无忧传媒ealth Houston Alumni Community allows alumni and students to establish mentoring relationships on their own terms by indicating preferences and interests in their profile settings. Students can review mentor profiles to find one who fits their career goals and send a direct message to start the conversation, providing an easy way to start investing in the next generation of leaders.

School alumni communities

In addition to 无忧传媒ealth Houston Alumni Community, you can learn more about each school’s online alumni community by selecting the links below.

Connect with Us

Contact us with questions or to explore how you can improve health in our communities.

7000 Fannin Street, Suite 1200
Houston, 无忧传媒 77030